
Book of Abstracts

Book of Abstracts



I. Crystal growth : basic concepts

Growth mechanisms : Yukio Saito

The dynamics of epitaxy : Peter Voorhees

Nucleation theory : John Venables

The study of epitaxy with Low Energy Electron Microscopy (LEEM) + movies : Ernst Bauer


II. Semi-conductor epitaxy

3D growth driven by elastictiy : Leo Miglio

Controlling position and electronic structure of quantum dots : Armando Rastelli

Growth of nanowires : Jean-Christophe Harmand

sp2 materials (graphene, silicene ...) : Irene Paola de Padova


III. Properties of nanostructures and characterization

Physical properties of nanostructures: theory and simulations : Michele Amato

Structural and chemical properties of epilayers in heteroepitaxy : Anne Ponchet

Optical properties of nanostructures : Anna Fontcuberta i Morral

Introduction to Atom probe tomography + movie 1 and 2 : Alain Portavoce

X-ray diffraction and unique objects + movie 1 and 2 : Gilles Renaud

Epitaxy and magnetic materials : Olivier Fruchart 


IV. Integration and applications of epitaxial systems

Integration and applications of epitaxial systems : III/V on Silicon for optoelectronics : Bernadette Kunert

Heterogeneous integration and applications in electronics : Thierry Baron 

Industrial applications of Si-based epitaxy in electronics : Didier Dutartre

Applications of epitaxial semiconductor heterostructures for fundamental research : Aristide Lemaitre

Epitaxy in the development of LEDs : Jean-Yves Duboz


Round table : Fundamental research and industrial issues : what coupling ?






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